Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ring a ling

Silver bells, silver bells It's Christmas time in the city Ring-a-ling, hear them sing Soon it will be Christmas day .... Okay I know so its a little past christmas, but I wanted to practice taking some ring shots and what better way to do that then using my own ring, so here is what I have worked on so far from my variation of a ring a ling ring shot.

So of all the shots that i took this one is by far my faveorite because you can see the date inside my ring of when Jason and I first started going out, love that detail. And would you ever guess that this particular photo was done with a point shoot.
At Jen's wedding we all recieved christmas ornaments as favors and I decided when I got home theat it would be another great opportunity to try out some ring shots.

Jennie and Wendell's Wedding

I have recently had the pleasure of being a part of one of my favortist couple's wedding. Jen and Wendell are a fabulous couple with tons of energy and a willingness to have fun. My fiance and I were lucky enough to be a part of the wedding as a bridesmaid and a groomsmen but we were able to sneak in a few photos to and this is a sneak preview of what we got. For more photos check out jason's blog at www.jasonhenriques.blogspot.com or his website at www.jasonhenriques.com.

This first photo is totally Jen, it nails her fun charistmatic personality.

This is Jen posing for all the cameras in the room!!!

Of course we had to have the back of the dress and I just love how we caught a glimpse of her mom looking at her so lovingly!

Jen fixing her catherdral length veil. It complimented her dress perfectly.

I love how this captures her matron of honors hands lacing up the dress.

Got to pull the dress up!!
Jason thought that i had photographic eyelashes I don't know about that one, but when I started playing with this photo in lightroom i really liked how it came out.

So at the rehersal dinner we got a hold of some handcuffs and decided to officially or unofficially have them hitched together. We actually got this idea from Carla Ten Eyck you should definitly check out her blog becuase she is an absolutely phenomenal photographer and an inspiration.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Steph's Bridal Portraits

Hey you guys so awhile back Jason and I did an awesome photo shoot with Steph and her mom and maid of honor. Her maid of honor actually lives in these awesome apartment and we were able to use the penthouse and the courtyard for some awesome pictures!!! Now Jason also showed me how to use lightroom which is an awesome program and I have been trying to navigate the program and work on steph's pics. Hope you enjoy and let me know how I am progressing.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

light room

So i found another program that is alittle bit more my pace then photoshop it is called light room and it fabulous. If you want to know more about it just go to the adobe website and they have everything there from training tools to a free trial run. Anyways i just downloaded it about an hour ago and this is what i have come up with so far! Let me know what you think!